How We Are Reacting To Covid19
Social Distancing and how we as a company are abiding

We are newly allowing employees to work from home if they feel at risk, unwell or are under quarantine. We have launched virtual consultations to ease those that aren’t welcoming us in their homes at this time. With that we are offering a $100 discount off your final contract total if you choose to go with us. We are a no pressure company and our virtual consultations are free. We have separated the staff in the office so that no one is in the same room or even sharing a bathroom. We have also temporarily taken away the shared office dishes and encourage employees to bring and use their own and keep them in their office when not in use. We are limiting cross contaminating as much as possible and enforcing the 6 feet rule at all times. We are taking every measure to keep our employees who feel well enough to be in the office safe and comfortable.
Some tips on how we are staying sane in our personal lives
Mariah recommends practicing gratitude. She said she’d love to stay home some days. Who wouldn’t? But she is so thankful to have a job right now while others don’t and that keeps her positive. She also recommends eating healthy and getting outside. It’s easy to get caught up inside all day working or cleaning or just vegging on the couch engulfed in your new favorite show. Get outside for an hour minimum and don’t panic buy snacks that you’ll mindlessly eat.
Megan recommends doing online videos. She has a dance studio and is having her teachers upload workouts and dances. She is making an effort to do at least one workout video every evening. You can also check out Pinterest, YouTube, and your gym might even have free online workouts as well during this time. If your child is a member in any form of fitness, check in with the owner. Many sports and studios are creating online workouts and drills for their students. She also recommends long walks through the neighborhood with your children.
Ori says that picking up old hobbies has been the best way to stay busy when stuck inside. Painting, adult coloring books and organizing has been keeping her busy so far. She also recommends unfollowing negative social media pages.
Zach recommends spending time with your pets, training them, getting them outside as much as possible and teaching them new commands.
Blake recommends picking up a side gig. Delivery for a company that is hiring, making extra money by selling items you don’t want, anything that keeps cash flowing and keeps you busy!
Tips from the masses
Don’t get glued to your screens. Take time away from the news and the toxic negative media that we so easily get caught up in. Staying positive is important and when the news is full of death and infection rates it’s hard to think positively with that blaring in your ear all day. Set aside an hour or so a day where your whole family shuts off all notifications and electronics. This forces them to seek other forms of creative entertainment such as reading, journaling, playing, baking etc.
Move around as much as possible. Chances are your fitness routine is botched with your gym being closed. If finding a new way to workout doesn’t appeal to you, organizing, cleaning, dancing, investing in a virtual reality set, going for walks, ANYTHING that gets your booty out of your seat is good for your mental and physical well being. This is also a great way and time to get things done that have been on your to do list, like cleaning out the garage, your closet, and other time consuming items that we don’t normally set aside time for in our usually busy day to day lives.
Learn a new skill or jump back into an old one. This is a great time to learn how to cook, bake, knit, teach the kids how to ride a bike, meditate, photograph etc. Or even learn how to use video chatting so the people you can’t see in person, you can see virtually.
Create a work space, for you or your kids. Create a place where people can get their routine work done if needed. It helps the mind stay focused and keeps the routine as normal as possible. Set rules around the work space. When someone is in their work space, others should know to not bother them.
The last tip is to take the time to take care of yourself. Remember that face mask and pedicure kit you bought last month? Now’s your chance to try it out! Along with this, it’s also proven to help your mood if you get at least half ready every day, even if you have no where to go. We feel more confident and happy when we feel like we put in a little effort.
Overall, it all comes down to being productive. Seeing the positive in the time we have to do the things we don’t normally have time for, getting to spend extra time with family, learning and growing in our personal lives. This doesn’t mean you can’t spend your Sunday as a day to reset still. Rest is part of taking care of ourselves. But too much rest can become an unhealthy habit.
Getting the kids involved in home projects

This is a great opportunity to get the kids involved in chores, especially if they can’t get outside to play on a rainy day. Here’s some tips on how to get them excited about the list you created for them.
Pump up music they like Make games out of the chores And some learning in Get rid of old clothes by putting on a fashion show Get them excited about earning money by finding loose change. Here’s a link for more ideas that we liked!
Essential workers need support

Essential workers are taking an extra hit right now. Not only is their whole routine screwed up by working from home or working less or more hours, but their whole work procedure has probably changed to. And they aren’t doing it for nothing, they are doing it for the economy and health of everyone they come in contact with. If you have the extra cash, support your businesses that are required to stay open during this time by shopping local, and not putting a hold on projects you’ve started with companies that are relying on that income. If they are open, it’s definite that they have taken extra precautions to keep everyone safe and you should not feel intimidated to keep working with these essential businesses.
If you haven’t heard, construction is considered an essential business. We need your help to keep operating and supporting the economy and our employees. Please do not put your projects on hold. We do not need to come in contact with you and we can wipe surfaces before leaving your job site. We are still happy to help during this time but we will need your cooperation to do so. Please give us a call to set up either a virtual consultation or in person abiding by the 6 foot rule at 303-997-8168. We are happy to help with any window, siding, or door project you might need taken care of during this time.